My Creative Journey
My Artistic Journey
This is my personal journey and my reflections of my creative life!
As I mentioned in my bio; I started out young surround by art growing up in my artsy house hold. My parents were professional artist. I followed in my parents foot steps and choose Art as a career path. I went Art College, School of Visual Arts in NYC, studying Fine Arts & Art Education. There I developed my talents and loved it! After school I struggled to find an art career. Art Teaching jobs were nowhere to be found, lots of big school budget cuts. So just like many artist, I worked in art related fields believing I could keep my creativity growing. My first jobs out of college were at Art Supply Stores, Gallery Sales then Picture Framing, which took hold for more over 15+ years. My husband and I created a Picture Framing business where I went to clients homes for the initial sale then we did the framing at home on the weekends. This supported us while we were growing our family of three young children. I also taught art when the opportunity arose in many unconventional places as in, after school programs, town community & senior centers. I always had a passion for creating in all different mediums of art and I found in the early years of taking care of my children, drawing & painting was hard to achieve. So I directed my creative passion into quilt-making, fabric seemed less messy so how. I was very involved and tried a few craft shows selling my quilts. At this time with I was asked to teach for a local quilt store which lead me down a path of teaching quilt-making to many Quilt stores and Guild programs in CT. Yes there I was a young mother of three running a Picture Framing Company and teaching quilting at nights & weekends. I learned so much from all my endeavors about business, time management and discipline, I would never change those years. But now with reflection to look back, I wished I had put some of that energy into my art. We can’t turn back time just learn from it!
Fast forwarding to 2020 the year of the pandemic, that’s when I did a review of what I truly wanted to achieve with my life. I realized my Art was put on hold for too many years and now was the time to build it back up again! I started to painting & drawing everyday and turned my office into a studio. I learned the ins & outs of the technical side of art, Illustrator & Photoshop. I build a website, put my art on products and learned how to have an online presence! What you see on my website now is the last 3 years of me immersing myself into my artwork. I know I will keep involving and experimenting with new mediums and creating new art. I finally found where I was meant to be & do.
I am so glad you’re on the journey with me!
Until next time - Stay Creative my Friends - wishing you all the Best - Liz